If you found your way over from Sailrite's blog, welcome! I'm a huge fan of the good folks at Sailrite. Great products, selection, how to videos, customer service, you name it. I was recently featured on their blog, check it out!
I was so excited to talk with Nikki at Sailrite about my journey. I had reached out to support for help with an order, and the guys were so nice, I felt compelled to tell them about how Sailrite changed my life. Hokey? Sure. True? Absolutely.
So here we are. The blog has been quiet because it's summer and I'm spending most of my time outside instead of at my sewing machine. However, there are a couple of projects in the works. I'm going to alter a bridesmaid dress. Eek! Fortunately I have help! And, I have plenty of old dresses to experiment with (think "27 Dresses" - I have a closet dedicated to the bridesmaid dresses I've worn). Stay tuned, that project starts this Saturday and I'll share that adventure and what I learn in the process!
Thanks for reading! Follow me on my Facebook page (Angela Sews) or on Twitter (@AngelaRovetto)