Sunday, December 4, 2016


The knee high boots I acquired need more outfits. I probably haven't worn a jumper since I was 5. Now that I'm writing this, why is this article of clothing called a jumper? It certainly doesn't make me want to jump.

As the first snow of the year fell outside, I remained inside and worked on this little gem today, Simplicity 4789. I didn't really get the instructions on the facing for the neck and arm holes, so this took a lot longer than it should have, because I kept pinning and unpinning, trying to get it to look right. In the end, I scrapped the instructions with the pattern and just did what I felt was right. 

This pattern didn't specifically call for an invisible zipper but in retrospect, I think it would look better with one. And, it would be even better if the zip was on the side. I can't zip it up without some arm gymnastics. Pain in the ass!

The bodice has darts.

What's with the hat? No shower is what's with the hat. I have to go shovel snow and there's a very hot bubble bath in my future.