Well, it's not totally done because I have a dilemma: Closure. Do I do regular buttons? Toggles? Tell me what you think in the comments or on the Facebook page post!
One of the littles asked me if I could make her a "teacher" coat. Not sure what a teacher coat is (other than my assumption this is the style of coat her teachers wear), so we looked at a pattern book and she showed me what she meant, and it's basically a wool pea coat.
Generally when I do something new, I make one for myself first so that if I completely fuck it up, it's not a big deal. This happens a lot!
So, I got a pattern for an adult sized coat and gave it a try. This is Butterick B6389 view C. I used charcoal wool felt. Now, I'm not sure if you're really supposed to use wool felt for coats, I imagine if I was making this for someone else, I'd probably got get some actual wool coating fabric (which is expensive) but since this is a trial run, wool felt at $6/yard was fine. I used plain cheap black lining fabric for the lining.
Overall this pattern was very easy. I skipped the interfacing because it's wool felt and it does stand up on its own, so it didn't need it.
I opted to topstitch some of the seams and I think it gives it a nice touch.
So it's all put together, except for the bottom hem, which I'm leaving open until I decide on whether to close it with buttons or toggles. Help me choose!