When I am awake, I'm too tired to do much of anything, which is super boring. I had to find things I could do while curled up in bed.
I've used Evernote for a variety of things in my life over the past several years. It's a great app and pretty versatile. Why not use it for my sewing stuff? In a previous post I shared how I organize my physical patterns (and wow I've accumulated a lot of those). But, what happens when you're in a store looking at fabric? Obviously I won't be carrying my binders around so Evernote presents a great option.
I've created two notebooks. Patterns and Fabric.
The Patterns Notebook
This notebook contains all of the patterns I have. Each note includes:- The pattern URL
- Screen shot of envelope front
- Screen shot of envelope back (sizing, yardage, notions, etc)
- Screen shot of line art
- My notes on pattern ideas or adjustments
- Tags for what the pattern is (pants, shirt, etc)
- Tags for suggested fabrics (knits, suiting, etc)
I can scroll through my notes, search by tags, or whatever I need. All while standing in the store! This means I have ready access to the yardage right on my phone, so I don't need to remember how much fabric I need for a certain pattern. Many times, I'm just looking around and don't necessarily have anything in mind, so it's helpful to be able to access this information as I need it.
The Fabric Notebook
This one contains photos of fabric I have in my stash. Each note includes:- Type of fabric
- Photo of fabric
- Tags for fabric type, color, pattern, how much yardage I have, and fabric width
I did not catalog my scraps because that was not worth it to me. But now I can look at my stash anywhere I am and know if I already have this kind of fabric on hand...so I don't buy more (this has happened).
Since I've been out of commission this week, I don't have any projects to share, but figured this might be helpful for someone out there to get organized!
Evernote is free for a basic amount of uploads, and unfortunately I hit the cap pretty quick as I created my fabric stash, so I did upgrade to the Plus subscription (allows 1GB of uploads per month). However, I decided that it provides the right value for me, so I went for it. If you aren't into paying for subscriptions, you can "meter" your uploads and create your stuff over time...once you hit the upload limit, wait until next month to continue. I just don't have that kind of patience!
Even if you aren't into sewing like I am, Evernote is a cool app for basically anything you can think of.